A career in weatherization can carry you forward while allowing you to contribute close to home, and it all starts with on-the-job, hands-on training. Explore the Next Door Ready to Work Program for high school students or find out how you can connect with an employer in Pennsylvania to access employer-sponsored training as an adult.

your future starts here
Weatherization is all about building for the future, and that includes providing training opportunities early. Through Next Door, you can start your weatherization training as early as high school, setting yourself up to enter directly into the workforce after graduation.
Next Door teaches you to look at the home as one big system. A system where a series of small changes can impact the lives of people who live there—the people in your communities.
It won’t always be glamorous. It will require you to roll up your sleeves. But it’s good work, right now, right here in Pennsylvania.

Step Into a Growing Industry
Fill out the form below if you’re a high school student, educator, or parent who wants to learn more about Next Door or to find out if you attend one of the many schools that already use the curriculum.
If you’re ready to enter the workforce and want to explore hiring opportunities and employer-sponsored, on-the-job training, check out our careers page.

Learn More
Still not sure if a career in weatherization is a good fit for you? Learn more about weatherization, its impact on communities, and opportunities for growth.